Biodigester Products Ltd | Designers and manufacturers of wastewater treatment systems
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Package pumping stations
Pumping systems are used for treated sewage effluent in preference to pumping untreated sewage.
BES offers three types of package pumping stations constructed in robust glass fibre:
1. Single automatic pump with high level alarm and flashing beacon.
2. Twin automatic pumps ‘Economy Specification’.
3. Twin Pumps with ‘Full Controls’

Further information
Pumping system types​
BES offers three types of package pumping stations constructed in robust glassfibre.
1. Single automatic pump with high level alarm and flashing beacon.
2. Twin automatic pumps ‘Economy Specification’.
Duty pump located on base and second standby pump higher up on a platform. If duty pump fails, the standby pump takes over and the lower high level alarm operates. ‘Economy’ specification is less expensive and much simpler to operate than ‘Full Controls’ for small applications, Second high level alarm for standby pump.
3. Twin Pumps with ‘Full Controls’
Twin pumps on the base of the pumping station controlled by four separate float switches and a control panel that alternates the duty pump in use. Alarm system.
Treated sewage effluent
Surface water
Industrial effluent
Untreated sewage*
*If using a Biodigester sewage treatment plant and there needs to be a pumping stage it is normally preferable to pump the treated sewage effluent rather than the untreated sewage. Smaller Biodigesters are available with deep ‘Inlet Invert’ and integral pumping systems if required.
If pumping untreated sewage/wastewater is unavoidable it is better to use ‘Cutter’ pumps with an impeller that can cut solid matter or larger ‘Solids Handling’ pumps. Macerator pumps can be unreliable and are best avoided.
Custom pumping systems
For specification of a custom built ‘Package Pumping Station’ please advise the following information.
1. Type of liquid
2. Daily Volume
3. ‘Inlet Invert’ into pumping station
4. Total static head ie. total lifting height
5. Pumping distance
BES will specify a suitable pumping station with appropriate pumps. The diameter of the pumping main required will also be specified. The pumping main diameter is important so that the system operates correctly and without excess back pressure damaging the pump(s).

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